Susan Morgan Cooper
Susan Morgan Cooper is an award-winning documentary producer and director. Her latest film, To The Moon and Back, had a Congressional Screening on Capitol Hill in June 2016. This screening succeeded in re-opening talks with the State Department about the Russian Adoption Ban. President Putin blamed the subject of her film, Miles Harrison, for the Adoption Ban because his adopted Russian infant died of heatstroke after Miles unknowingly left him behind in a car.
In doing the research for her film, Susan was shocked to discover that this phenomena happens with grisly regularity. In the United States, 1 child dies from hyperthermia in a hot car every 9 days. Having an up-close understanding of how families are left utterly devastated by these tragedies, Susan began production on her upcoming film, Fatal Distraction.
The welfare of children has always been of paramount importance to Susan. She has screened her films to audiences all across the United States, including at the National Safety Conference in North Carolina. Many first responders; firemen, policemen and paramedics thanked her profusely for changing their attitude towards parents who unknowingly leave their children behind in cars. She is passionate about protecting children – whether that’s helping special needs orphans in Russia caught in the ban or infants dying of heatstroke in cars.