Greig Fennell
Chief Financial Officer & Board Member
Greig has been with Kids and Car Safety since the very beginning as he was the other person abducted and locked in the car trunk with Janette. He is a Board member and the Chief Financial Officer for the organization with responsibilities that include budgeting, managing the financial operations and participating in strategic decision-making for the organization. He is also blessed to be the husband of Janette.
In 2018, Greig retired from his corporate life to take a more active role in the organization. Greig’s corporate life spanned more than thirty years as a leader in the development of enterprise-wide operational risk management and business continuity management programs for fortune 100 companies, including disaster recovery, incident management and crisis management. He was responsible for developing organizations and management decision making frameworks to identifying, assess and prioritize company risks and in developing cost effective risk reduction solutions to minimize impacts to business operations and services. He has received national recognition for his contribution and leadership within the business continuity profession.
Greig is a graduate of Washington & Jefferson College with a BA in Psychology. His passions are his family which includes our two sons and two dogs, photography and golf.