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Back Up Cameras: Push for 2012
There’s just enough consumer awareness about backup cameras that many people want one, but they don’t know it’s an aftermarket option at the car radio shop down the block.
Keep Your Kids Safe from Power Window Accidents
Power windows have the capacity to exert enough force to fracture or crush bones or even strangle a child. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study estimated that approximately 2,000 emergency room visits each year are caused by power windows.
Kids and Car: Bringing Awareness to Backover Accidents
Joyce Perrelli, San Jose Parenting Examiner
Looking for a New Year's Resolution? How about resolving to always check your mirrors and blind spots when pulling out of a driveway in order to avoid an accidental backover accident?
Bay Area accidents highlight importance of children's safety around vehicles
San Jose Mercury News - By Paul Burgarino. It's hard to fathom how a young child can be accidentally killed outside his home by a loved one, but such tragedies happen more often than people might think.