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    Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) released the following statement today in response to the Department of Transportation’s announcement that the final rule to expand the rear visibility standard in vehicles will be delayed.

  • Life-Saving Rearview Camera Regulations Delayed Again by U.S.

    For a split second, Sue Auriemma thought the screams came from the neighborhood kids. For a split second, she continued to back up her car in her driveway, unaware that her 3-year-old daughter, Kate, was behind the right rear tire.

  • U.S. Rule Set for Cameras at Cars’ Rear

    Federal regulators plan to announce this week that automakers will be required to put rearview cameras in all passenger vehicles by 2014 to help drivers see what is behind them.

  • Small Group of Safety Advocates Change Auto Industry

    It’s not every day that we cover extraordinary success stories against the recalcitrant (to put it mildly) auto industry, and it's all thanks to a few relentless safety advocates. According to a front page article in today’s New York Times, “Federal regulators plan to announce this week that automakers will be required to put rearview cameras in all passenger vehicles by 2014 to help drivers see what is behind them.”

  • Back Up Cameras To Be Installed In All New Cars

    Karen Cuputo’s toddler didn’t survive a backover accident in 2007. The Carlisle mother told Eyewitness News about the loss of her 20-month-old son Dillon. “You never get over it, you deal with it,” said Karen. “You try to make something positive come out of the tragedy.”

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