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Car Backup Safety
After his 2-year-old sister died in a 2010 accident at a Helena residence, Nathan Dahlen knew how he wanted to help his community while completing his Eagle Scout project.
Advocates Hope Letters to Obama Will Put Rear-View Cameras in All Cars
A regulation that would require vehicles to have rear-view cameras to minimize the chances of a driver running over pedestrians — particularly small children — has had its implementation delayed three times, most recently on December 31, 2012. Now an organization that sponsored the law is hoping that an emotion-laden letter campaign to President Obama might be the push the measure needs.
Drivers back stronger belt reminders; European systems could be model
How to turn part-time belt users into full-time users is an issue that has dogged policymakers for many years. Even though belt use is at a record 86 percent, more than half of the people who die in passenger vehicle crashes each year are unbelted. Last year's passage of the federal highway reauthorization bill opens the door wider for technological solutions to the problem.
Delays litter long road to vehicle rearview rules
In the private hell of a mother's grief, the sounds come back to Judy Neiman. The SUV door slamming. The slight bump as she backed up in the bank parking lot. The emergency room doctor's sobs as he said her 9-year-old daughter Sydnee, who previously had survived four open heart surgeries, would not make it this time.
Mother relives horrifying moment she killed her own daughter by backing up on her
A Washington State woman who backed over and killed her 9-year-old daughter a year ago is lobbying the government to improve rear visibility in SUVs so other parents don't have to go through her pain.