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Whatever happened to the backup camera mandate?
Just a few months ago, it seemed to be a done deal that light vehicles sold in the United States would need backup cameras within a few years.
Parents Call For Rearview Camera Law
This week a group of parents spent time in Washington, D.C., calling on President Obama to act on a five year old law aimed at preventing accidents like that one that requires rear view cameras on cars.
Safety advocates want action on back-over accidents
President Obama supported the measure when he was in the Senate but his Administration has never enacted the rules necessary to implement it.
Quadriplegic urges vehicle back-up cameras to save lives
Sometimes, in the hubbub of Washington, it takes a personal story to grab government officials’ attention. Patrick Ivison, an 18-year-old USC freshman who was left a quadriplegic as a toddler when a neighbor accidentally backed a car over him.
While auto rule remains 'under review,' death toll grows
Three years after that awful day -- the day a teenager accidentally backed his car over their little girl -- Michael and Brandy Dahlen have forgiven their young neighbor. But they're having a tougher time coming to grips with the actions of the federal government.