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Kids Are Still Dying After Being Left In Hot Cars
A child dies every nine days in the U.S. after being left too long in a hot car, according to the advocacy group Kids And Cars.
Why are children left in sweltering cars? Reasons, risks and safety tips from an expert
A two-year-old was found dead inside a sweltering car this week in Milton, Ont., leaving parents wondering how this could have possibly happened.
Do Backup Cameras in Cars Save Lives? President Janette Fennel on the needs for backup cameras on cars.
What Kind Of Parent Forgets A Child In A Broiling Car?
What kind of parent forgets their baby in a hot car? I ask that question every year at this time, as temperatures rise and the number of children who die grisly deaths -- literally baking in the backseat -- also start to climb. This year is shaping up to be a particularly bad one, on track to match the worst year ever.
When parents accidentally forget children in hot cars
The story of Kyrese Dwayne Anderson is tragic. The 3-year-old boy was left in a hot car in Florida for three hours and died of hyperthermia last Saturday.