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  • Deaths of children in hot cars soar

    The summer is just warming up, but so far this year 15 children have already died from heatstroke after being left alone in a hot car. That's more than double the number of deaths compared to the same time last year.

  • COLUMN: Save a life and look before you lock

    A few summers ago, when Alex and Harper were both in traditional, five point harness car seats, Harper and I were out running errands. After one particular stop, I put her in Alex’s car seat. I can’t quite remember the reason, but I have a vague recollection her seat being covered in some sort of spit up. Regardless of the reason, when we made our last stop of the morning, and I looked over my shoulder to her car seat, I found that it was empty.

  • FL Leads in Hot Car Deaths this Year

    So far this year, 15 children have died in the U.S. after they were accidentally left behind in hot cars. Florida has had four of those deaths, more than any other state.

  • Heat stroke caused death of toddler

    Amber Rollins of and Kristie Reeves-Cavaliero, parent advocate and founder of Ray Ray's Pledge talk about tragedies of children unknowingly left behind in vehicles in response to Canadian child death.

  • Heatstroke poses health risk for kids in cars

    A two-year-old boy found dead inside a car in Milton, Ont., on Wednesday has raised questions about parental responsibility and safety during hot weather conditions.

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