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Heat stroke a serious danger
According to Raynald Marchand, general manager of the Canada Safety Council, able-bodied adults know how to protect themselves from the heat, but sometimes forget about those who are more vulnerable.
Even the most loving parents can forget children in cars, experts say
When tragic stories make headlines of children forgotten in sun-baked cars, the immediate reaction from many is: how could a loving parent ever forget their own child? But it’s not lazy or “bad” parents who are typically responsible for these tragedies, experts say; they can happen to anyone.
VIDEO One Decision (Child Safety - Vehicular Heat Stroke)
One Decision is a film that we are very passionate about. We made this film in hopes to prevent child injuries or death. Every 10 days a child dies from vehicular heatstroke. Join us in this cause by sharing this film with everyone you know.
Deaths of children in hot cars soar
The summer is just warming up, but so far this year 15 children have already died from heatstroke after being left alone in a hot car. That's more than double the number of deaths compared to the same time last year.
COLUMN: Save a life and look before you lock
A few summers ago, when Alex and Harper were both in traditional, five point harness car seats, Harper and I were out running errands. After one particular stop, I put her in Alex’s car seat. I can’t quite remember the reason, but I have a vague recollection her seat being covered in some sort of spit up. Regardless of the reason, when we made our last stop of the morning, and I looked over my shoulder to her car seat, I found that it was empty.