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Children at risk in hot vehicles
Fennell, founder of, fears the voice on the other end will deliver the news that another child has died after being left in a hot vehicle.
A hot day, a parked car — and tragic consequences
In one week in early July, two Canadian toddlers died after being left in hot cars, one in Alberta, one in Ontario. Cases like these happen with frightening—and increasing—regularity: multiple times every summer in Canada, and almost 40 times per year in the U.S.
As Heat Wave Bakes Region, A Lesson on Kids and Pets in Cars
While there are no national statistics for pets that die from being left in vehicles, the advocacy group Kids and Cars says at least 27 children in D.C., Maryland and Virginia have died
Heatwave Heightens Danger for Kids in Cars
It can happen when a harried parent forgets to drop off their sleeping baby at day care and instead hurries off to work or a when a child “plays” in a car or its trunk and becomes trapped.
Monsters or mortals? Children in car seats too often out of sight and mind
It couldn't happen to you. It couldn't happen to me. Sure, we might get distracted. We might misplace keys, or the remote. We might click our browsers, only to forget what we were looking for, but we could never forget a child.