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  • Kids and Cars push for rear cameras in vehicles

    Two children die every week from something we do several times a day.

  • High-Tech Car Seat Keeps Parents and Kids Connected

    Parents who worry about installing their child's car seat correctly, accidentally leaving their child in the car, or their child becoming unbuckled while the car is moving have a new, high-tech ally. The TOMY International First Years True Fit IAlert Convertible Car Seat syncs with a parent's smartphone to provide feedback on installation and lets the parent know if the child is in the seat or not.

  • MOM STOP: Forgetting a child in the car can happen to anyone

    An 11-month-old girl died from heatstroke in Homewood on July 17 when her mother forgot her in the car and left her in the hot vehicle for three hours.

  • Mother Copes With Loss Of Child By Educating Others

    Every year, dozens of children die after being forgotten in a hot car. One Virginia mother is working to change that — by sharing her own story.


  • One Decision: Tragic Results – Please Look Before You Lock (Video)

    “It could never happen to me.” “I would never leave my child alone in the car – not for a minute.” “No GOOD parent would ever forget their child!” But it happens every day. According to KidsandCars on average 38 children die in hot cars each year, about one every 10 days from heat-related deaths after being trapped inside motor vehicles. This year alone there have been 23 child vehicular heat-stroke deaths. And this is not counting the life-altering injuries experienced by the children who survive.

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