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Time to Call BS: Why Safety Groups Sued DOT Over Backover Rule Delay
Last week, a consortium of safety groups and advocates decided it had had enough of the delay tactics in publishing a final rule establishing a rear visibility standard and sued the Department of Transportation.
PRO/CON VIEW: Should the federal government require backup cameras in all new vehicles?
The death of a child in a back-over vehicle accident is an unspeakable tragedy, a nightmarish possibility that haunts countless parents. But it should not cause the federal government to mandate backup cameras on all new cars and trucks. That's a decision that should be left to consumers and the free market.
Lawsuit seeks final rules for car rear-visibility standards
Bryan Llenas reports from New York
Road Warrior: Battling for rearview cameras - again
If you bought a new car recently, there's about a 50-50 chance that you can see where you're going better than ever when you back out of your driveway.
Rearview camera lawsuit
Anna Kooiman reports from New York