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Op-ed: Can parents really forget kids in cars?
How can loving, attentive parents have such an incomprehensible lapse of memory? To forget a child and leave him or her all day in a hot car seems unfathomable and, to many, unacceptable.
I, too, left my child in a hot car
I left my daughter in my car on a hot summer day. It was in July 2007, and I remember that day as if it were yesterday.
Simple reminder can save a child's life
Erin Wiesner and her baby daughter, Kathleen, demonstrate how to use a stuffed animal toy to serve as a reminder that a child is left in the back seat when leaving a vehicle Wednesday at Centerpoint Medical Center in Independence.
Autopsy says Georgia toddler died of hyperthermia, calls it homicide
A Georgia man is facing murder charges after leaving his 22-month-old son strapped in a car seat in the family's SUV for seven hours on a day last week when temperatures climbed to the high 80s, according to an updated arrest warrant released Wednesday.
Organization aims to stop death by heatstroke for children left in hot cars
Experts are reminding moms and dads to be extra careful and never leave your little one alone in your hot car.