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Tell Mel: Put your left shoe back with kid's car seat
Today I'm going to again tell you about a campaign I started last year to try to eliminate the tragedy of children accidentally left in hot cars. We called the campaign #Neverleft.
Mom works to make cars safer after backover accident
An accident that left an Overland Park toddler in a hospital with severe head injuries on Sunday is a familiar story for the family of a girl injured in a similar situation.
One local parent says you can prevent back-over accidents after OP girl hit by car backing up
Casey Jordan, whose child was also hit three years ago, warned this type of accident can happen to anyone, but said it's preventable.
Plano woman designs prototype to stop kids from dying in overheated cars
Nancy Dominguez knows too many kids die each year when a parent or caretaker leaves them in a car that’s overheated. So the 23-year-old has created a device to tackle the problem, and hopefully save lives.
Florida parents demand mandatory protective barriers at daycare centers
Orange Country, Florida is expected to be the first in the nation to adopt a new standard for all daycare centers in which barriers are put in place strong enough to stop 5,000-pound vehicle. NBC’s Kerry Sanders reports.