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  • Stanley Speaks to Rotary

    At a recent meeting of the Peachtree City Rotary Club, Jenny Stanley of Kids and Car Safety, a national organization, spoke about the dangers of leaving children in hot cars. Tragically, Stanley speaks from experience about the loss of her daughter. Telling her mother that she was going next door to a neighbor's house, six-year old Sydney Marie instead climbed inside their unlocked car and could not get out. She died of heat stroke.

  • Mother raises awareness about kids in hot cars after own tragedy

    A mother raises awareness about children in hot cars after her two-year-old daughter was killed last year.

  • Too Many Kids Die of In-Car Heatstroke Each Year

    One child has already died this year of heatstroke after being left behind in a hot car. That's one child too many, and sadly, he probably won't be the last this year. Heatstroke is the No. 1 cause of non-crash car-related deaths for children ages 14 and younger, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

  • Safety campaign hits stride

    With summer’s warmer temperatures on the way, an Escondido woman is ramping up her countywide campaign to warn people about the dire consequences of leaving dogs and children inside parked cars.

  • Hot car deaths: Brand new Childsafe App can save lives

    A brand new social media application released yesterday called "Childsafe app," may help parents and caregivers prevent child fatalities in hot car deaths.

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