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WATCH VIDEO INTERVIEW AT: mom advocates for sensors to prevent hot car deaths
10 years later and it's still hard to talk about at all. But speaking so publicly? That's something Dawn Peabody had to think hard about after her daughter Maya died in the backseat of a hot car. But she wants something positive to come from her family's tragedy.
'It can happen to anyone': Mom shares story on child's hot car death
A local mom shares her story about how her child died after being left in a vehicle on a hot day and says the biggest mistake parents make is thinking it can't happen to them.
Frontover deaths involving kids skyrocketing with truck and SUV popularity
Federal law now requires all new cars sold in the US to come equipped with rear cameras and screens. It's to prevent backover crashes, many times involving small children. The recent change is a huge victory for child safety advocates, but this doesn't solve another problem happening at an alarming rate: frontover crashes. It's a crash that happens when you can't see what's in front of your parked vehicle. With the rising popularity of big SUVs and trucks, the chances of these incidents happening have increased.
Back up cameras to become standard for all new cars
Thirteen years after the Rosenfelds lost their 2-year-old daughter, Veronica, to a backup collision in suburban Boca Raton, rearview cameras will soon be the standard in every new car sold. “I had people who told me that they now see her face when they’re backing up because it’s a reminder that they have to look," said Arden Rosenfeld, Veronica's mom. "They have to be aware.” In March 2005, Rosenfeld learned in the most unimaginable way of the dangerous blind spot behind all cars.