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  • Automakers Can End Hot Car Child Deaths -- And Lawmakers Should Lead The Way

    Their stories are heart-wrenching. In October, a Phoenix school administrator left his 4-month-old daughter in the back seat of his car all day. In August, a New Jersey commuter left a 22-month-old girl in a minivan parked at a railroad station. In July, a New York hospital worker left his 1-year-old twins in his car while he went to work. Tragically, all of these children succumbed to heatstroke. Since 1990, this tragedy has replayed more than 900 times, as overstressed, overtired or distracted parents and caregivers left infants and toddlers alone in locked cars while temperatures inside rose relentlessly.

  • I'm a cautious mom who had a hot car scare. Here's my plea to parents and lawmakers.

    I'm a cautious mom who had a hot car scare. Here's my plea to parents and lawmakers. Erin Holley is now committed to spreading awareness on hot car accidents, as a parent advocate for Kids and Cars. Have layers of protection, until lawmakers make a move.

  • Take Action TODAY: Stop Hot Car Tragedies

    This year has been one of the worst years in history for children dying in hot cars with a total of 52 little lives lost.  We need you to take action today! It will take less than 1 minute!
    Please use the letter below to ask your members of Congress to cosponsor the HOT CARS Act. The bill calls for technology to prevent these unimaginable tragedies.

    Send letters here:

    The above link will identify your members of Congress for you. Simply copy and paste the sample letter below and the site will send it for you.
    More information on the HOT CARS Act can be found here .
  • Push For Daycares to Help Prevent Forgotten Child Deaths

    As lawmakers look for ways to prevent more deaths of children who were forgotten in a parent's car, there is a push to get daycares and child care providers to send messages to parents when the child doesn't arrive. The I-Team’s Melissa Russo reports. 


    How to contact your U.S. members of Congress: CLICK HERE to find your U.S. Senator
    CLICK HERE to find your U.S. Representative

    1. Go to your member of Congress' website and use their contact form to send them the letter below – you may copy & paste the sample letter below and personalize it how you see fit.
    2. Follow up with a phone call to their office to make sure they received your letter.
    3. Follow up with a phone call or another email to them if you don’t hear back within a few days. Be sure to tell them you are a constituent.
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