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    Today, Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) announced the inclusion of critical auto safety provisions in H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act.  The provisions will improve auto safety and will help prevent tragic deaths from drunk driving, children being left in hot cars, carbon monoxide poisoning, and unsafe limousines.

  • Joint Statement: The Motor Vehicle Safety Title Advances Important Technology and Programs

    The House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee Majority today took decisive action in the public interest to provide consumers and roadway users with essential vehicle safety protections.  The Committee’s comprehensive package is urgently needed as the most recent estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that 36,120 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes last year.

  • 5 tips to prevent hot car deaths

    Amber Rollins with says hot car deaths are lower than average for 2020. That's because parents are getting out less. When you get back to a normal routine, you should add a few steps to prevent hot car deaths.

  • Charges against Oklahoma father dropped after 2 children die in hot car

    The father of two children who died in a hot truck over the weekend in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been released from custody after investigators discovered new evidence about how the children gained access to the vehicle, according to ABC 8 in Tulsa.

  • Safety organization says it's seeing uptick in 'back-over' accidents involving kids

    Even as communities begin to open up and people begin to venture out, a safety organization said it's seeing a growing problem with children.

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