Other Dangers - Latest News
Take thirty seconds and save a life
How many times have you seen a kid lose a ball, a pet or even scurry under a car to catch an elusive bug? Or better yet, NOT seen a small child rush outside after a departing parent?
Kids And Car Safety
I was fortunate to attend an Injury Board conference this past week and hear Janette Fennell, President and Founder of speak. It goes without saying that she is a tremendous speaker. I usually find that people who are passionate about their life's work usually are. However, Mrs. Fennell was unique to me. Not only was she a fantastic speaker, you could see in her eyes that it was very real for her.
Even the best car seat won't save your child
Vehicles are dangerous, plain and simple. The two-plus tons of steel and other materials we rely on to drop our kids off at school or shuttle them to ballet and soccer can also kill them.
Car Seat Safety: Protecting Your Child from Hyperthermia
As the summer season approaches and the warm weather returns, it’s time to talk about another kids and cars topic.
Small Group of Safety Advocates Change Auto Industry
It’s not every day that we cover extraordinary success stories against the recalcitrant (to put it mildly) auto industry, and it's all thanks to a few relentless safety advocates. According to a front page article in today’s New York Times, “Federal regulators plan to announce this week that automakers will be required to put rearview cameras in all passenger vehicles by 2014 to help drivers see what is behind them.”