Other Dangers - Latest News
10 Surprising Safety Hazards
You'll be shocked at what's really dangerous for children in your home. Don't skip our checklist of 10 safety hazards that could be deadly.
Florida parents demand mandatory protective barriers at daycare centers
Orange Country, Florida is expected to be the first in the nation to adopt a new standard for all daycare centers in which barriers are put in place strong enough to stop 5,000-pound vehicle. NBC’s Kerry Sanders reports.
VIDEO: Florida parents demand mandatory protective barriers at daycare centers
Orange Country, Florida is expected to be the first in the nation to adopt a new standard for all daycare centers in which barriers are put in place strong enough to stop 5,000-pound vehicle. NBC’s Kerry Sanders reports.
Voxx sensor tech tethers you via Bluetooth to your car's baby seat
Children aren't usually the focus of the CES technology conference, but during a private presentation held by Voxx in Las Vegas last week, company CEO Tom Malone introduced a potentially life-saving car accessory.
The Doctors demonstrate resqme™ emergency tool
The Doctors demonstrate the resqme™ emergency tool breaking a car window. This life-saving tool is a window breaker and seat belt cutter and an essential safety item for all drivers.