Other Dangers - Latest News
Changes in vehicle safety standards influenced by one woman
Janette Fennell has played an instrumental role in standardizing a number of safety features on cars, starting with the glow-in-the-dark emergency release lever inside the boot.
The Trouble with Today’s Automatic Emergency Braking Systems
Nearly 100 new cars and SUVs released in the United States this year will come equipped with automatic emergency braking systems that proponents say will protect pedestrians on our streets
The US Invented Life-Saving Car Safety Ratings. Now They’re Useless.
The New Car Assessment Program helped prove that car-buyers care about safety. But the program, now decades behind modern standards, no longer serves its purpose.
Childproof Your Ride – Take Steps to Avoid Hidden Dangers In And Around Cars
As a conscientious parent, you’ve researched and bought the very best car seat with the highest safety ratings.
In Battle Against “The Highway Disease,” Traffic Safety Agency Attacked as Asleep at the Wheel
Former President Lyndon Johnson was probably not the first, nor certainly the last, to note that more Americans have died on the nation’s roads than in all of its wars combined. He called it “the highway disease” in a speech in 1966, when he signed legislation that aimed to curb the slaughter. At the time, more than 50,000 Americans were dying annually in traffic crashes.