Left Alone in Car - Latest News
Program Warns Parents About Leaving Babies in Cars
“There’s nothing that’s any worse that can happen to one family than to lose a child,” said David Strickland with NHTSA. “But to lose a child to heat stroke. Frankly, that’s a situation where you can’t imagine it happening in the first place. But let me tell everybody here, it can happen to anyone.”
Tech fix to prevent deaths of kids left in cars a frustrating challenge
They're horrific stories, difficult to read and get your mind around. No one would blame you for ignoring them. But they come every year: the news articles about children who died of heatstroke after being left in cars.
Research Says Warning Systems Designed to Detect Children Left in Vehicles Are Not Reliable
The study found that currently available products are limited in their effectiveness and are unreliable as a stand-alone preventative measure for addressing child heatstroke tragedies.
A little change in routine brings visions of disaster for a mother
I called my daughter’s day care twice last week. As I dialed, I tried to convince myself I was calling to check on a rash — at least, that’s how I wanted it to sound. I could hear the panic in my voice as I asked to be transferred to the baby room. My heart raced. I held my breath waiting for confirmation that my little pumpkin was OK.
Look before locking
Kids and Car Safety lists BE SAFE safety tips on its website. These tips are being distributed to new parents to raise awareness about the dangers of leaving a child in a vehicle.