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  • Heatwave Heightens Danger for Kids in Cars

    It can happen when a harried parent forgets to drop off their sleeping baby at day care and instead hurries off to work or a when a child “plays” in a car or its trunk and becomes trapped.

  • Mother goes on crusade after son dies in hot SUV

    The anguish that came in March 2007 was nearly unbearable for Lyn Balfour and her family. "I just couldn't believe I could forget my child," recalls Balfour. "It was very devastating for me." It was similar to every other day, but she was tired and working on a different routine. Slight deviations in her morning led to distractions that turned tragic, according to Balfour. About seven hours after parking and heading to work, she got a phone call that would haunt her. The family babysitter was on the other line, wondering why the 9‐ month‐old boy was never dropped off.

  • Kids in cars and hot weather — a lethal combination

    It happens every summer. Children are left unattended in cars, either purposely or through forgetfulness. The results are often tragic. Each year, an average of 38 children die of heat stroke after being left in cars on hot summer days.

  • Don’t forget kids in hot cars

    With more hot weather on the way, safety advocates hope two recent tragedies won’t be repeated.

  • VIDEO One Decision (Child Safety - Vehicular Heat Stroke)

    One Decision is a film that we are very passionate about. We made this film in hopes to prevent child injuries or death. Every 10 days a child dies from vehicular heatstroke. Join us in this cause by sharing this film with everyone you know.

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