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  • One Decision: Tragic Results – Please Look Before You Lock (Video)

    “It could never happen to me.” “I would never leave my child alone in the car – not for a minute.” “No GOOD parent would ever forget their child!” But it happens every day. According to KidsandCars on average 38 children die in hot cars each year, about one every 10 days from heat-related deaths after being trapped inside motor vehicles. This year alone there have been 23 child vehicular heat-stroke deaths. And this is not counting the life-altering injuries experienced by the children who survive.

  • Help for the Child Left Behind

    Children dying of hyperthermia after being left in parked cars has long been a problem, but a new child safety seat may help solve it.

  • Laws deal with deaths children left in hot cars

    This spring the Alabama Legislature passed the Amiyah White Act to prosecute people who leave children alone in cars. Although the act was only directed at a particular group of people -- paid caretakers who watch adults and care for children in day care situations -- it pointed the spotlight on a tragic problem that crops up every summer.

  • A hot day, a parked car — and tragic consequences

    In one week in early July, two Canadian toddlers died after being left in hot cars, one in Alberta, one in Ontario. Cases like these happen with frightening—and increasing—regularity: multiple times every summer in Canada, and almost 40 times per year in the U.S.

  • Monsters or mortals? Children in car seats too often out of sight and mind

    It couldn't happen to you. It couldn't happen to me. Sure, we might get distracted. We might misplace keys, or the remote. We might click our browsers, only to forget what we were looking for, but we could never forget a child.

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