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“Forgotten Backseat Baby” Syndrome: an Unimaginable Danger
“Huh? Forgotten what???” is what I imagine you are asking after reading the title. The next question that probably comes to mind is, “what kind of idiot would forget his/ her own child in a car?”
Making A Difference - Mom turns personal tragedy into quest to keep other children safe
She works tirelessly to raise awareness about the largely misunderstood tragedy of vehicular heatstroke that took her daughter's life.
Emma’s Inspirations
When our daughter Emma was an infant, we moved into our new house. As parents of six children, we were very excited about getting to this new house and getting some much needed unloading done! Pulling into the driveway, we all became very excited and quickly left the car to see the house. There was so much to do – everyone went off in different directions.
As summer approaches, and as a wake-up call to benefit the rest of us, we should all examine our potential to make an innocent yet catastrophic error.
The ANEIROS Vehicle Child Seat System Could Save Lives Of Kids Who Are Left In Hot Cars
Here's an unsettling statistic: An average of 38 children who are left in hot cars die every year. Now, an inventor aims to eliminate those tragedies altogether.