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  • That Terrifying Time I Locked My Son in the Car

    When you live in a fast-paced culture, one where we’re reserving DVDs before we can even watch them and waiting more than five seconds for a website to load on our smartphones is unacceptable, we’re constantly thinking of the next move before we’ve completed the current. In parenting, this tends to happen more frequently.

  • You'd Never Forget Your Child In The Car, Right?

    Most of us think we're incapable of making such a horrible mistake. So did the parents in this story.

  • “Good parents” denial puts kids at risk for heat stroke

    Every year, US children die of heat stroke after being trapped in vehicles. The people responsible for these preventable tragedies are typically loving, well-meaning parents—none of whom believe it could happen to them.

  • Hot Cars, 3-minute short film

    3 minute PSA video from Florida DCF  

  • What kind of person could forget a child in a car? Anyone, experts say

    It was ‘tropical day’ at their Austin, Texas daycare, so Sophia Rayne “Ray Ray” Cavaliero’s parents dressed up their one-year-old in a flowered dress. “She smiled back as if she knew she looked so adorable,” said Kristie Reeves, Ray Ray’s mother. “We kissed her and told her we loved her as we buckled her in her seat, and she waved the most mysterious goodbye to us—a  wave we had never seen before and one we would never forget.” It was the last goodbye they would ever have from their “little angel.”

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