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Oklahoma ranks high in heatstroke deaths of children left in vehicles
On average more than 35 children die each year from heatstroke suffered in vehicles, and the nightmare is only becoming more widespread.
Mother Warns Dangers of Leaving Kids in Cars
Non-profit Kids and Car Safety say every nine days a child dies from heat stroke inside a vehicle, a statistic Lyn Balfour knows all too well. "I was one of those parents that said no way, this could never happen to me," said Balfour.
‘It will never happen to me’
The summer months often serves as a reminder for parents with young children: Look and double check infant car seats before locking the doors to your vehicle.
Hospital: Simple technique can help prevent hot car deaths
Kansas City's St. Luke's North Hospital has a technique it hopes parents will use to make sure their child is never forgotten inside a car.
SLNH Donation Aims to Reduce Heat-Related Death in Kids
St. Lukes North Hospital Newsletter
Learn more: 2014-07-01-StLukesNorth-newsletter