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  • Too Many Kids Die of In-Car Heatstroke Each Year

    One child has already died this year of heatstroke after being left behind in a hot car. That's one child too many, and sadly, he probably won't be the last this year. Heatstroke is the No. 1 cause of non-crash car-related deaths for children ages 14 and younger, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

  • Hot car deaths: Brand new Childsafe App can save lives

    A brand new social media application released yesterday called "Childsafe app," may help parents and caregivers prevent child fatalities in hot car deaths.

  • 30 Hot Days, 30 Lost Children: Season For Car Deaths Arrives

    The stories are predictable right about this time every year: Parent puts baby in back seat, parent drives somewhere intending to drop off baby, parent forgets baby in back seat. Then, with sad regularity, the baby dies from hyperthermia, known more jarringly as heatstroke.

  • Dad accused of drinking, leaving toddler son in car to die

    A father wept at a court hearing after police say he left his toddler son in a hot car during a day of heavy drinking. James Koryor, 41, was charged Tuesday with suspicion of manslaughter and child endangerment after his 2½-year-old son died Monday afternoon at Phoenix Children's Hospital. The boy's mother had found him unconscious in the back of the family's car after Koryor returned home.

  • Mother whose daughter died in hot car now advocates for child safety

    Peabody says there isn't a moment in the day she's not reminded about her daughter, Maya, who died from heat stroke on October 18, 2008.

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