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Hot Cars - Latest News

  • Look before you lock

    It seems to be a headline in our news almost every couple weeks, a parent leaving a child alone in a hot car while they run inside a mall or grocery store.

  • Campaign seeks to prevent vehicular heat stroke

    In a partnership with the non-profit Kids and Car Safety and Clear Channel Outdoor, Fort Bend county officials are participating in the Child Vehicular Heat Stroke Awareness Campaign.

  • Think You Would Never Leave Your kid in a Car? One Mother's Tragic story.

    Lyn Balfour, of Charlottesville, never thought it could happen to her. “The high that day was 66 degrees.” In March of 2007-on her way to work at the Army JAG office outside of Charlottesville-she had 9 month old Bryce in her car.

  • Kids in cars could succumb to heat faster than adults

    Anyone who has children will tell you, when (they’re that age), you don’t ever know if you’re going to get a good night’s sleep. … Fatigue is a huge part of what causes our brain not to work (optimally).”

  • New law: No liability for breaking child out of hot car

    Every year, about 38 children die from being left or forgotten in hot cars across the country, according to the advocacy group Kids and Cars. This summer, Virginia will have a new law to help prevent these deaths. How often do passersby see a child left behind, locked in a hot car, but don't act, afraid of a lawsuit if they break them out?

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