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Jaxon Theodore McSpadden
July 3, 2007 – June 13, 2009
Our Son’s name is Jaxon Theodore McSpadden, born on July 3, 2007.
He was our only son, mine and his fathers pride and joy. He has 2 older sisters that loved him very much; he was their own live baby doll. He looked up to them and followed them everywhere he wanted to be doing whatever they were doing. They were the Three Musketeer’s, partners in crime.
I was so excited to find out I was having a boy after having 2 little girls I couldn’t wait to buy the boys clothes and toys. His father had another fishing buddy and being outside all day long is exactly what Jaxon loved doing.
He was all boy. He loved getting dirty, riding his bike, playing with his 2 dogs Ace and Prince and was not afraid of bugs he would pick up any he found and come show them to me.
He was always smiling and laughing, he was a loveable baby he loved being held and kissed and when my girls where that little they were busy discovering things and didn’t want to messed with until there were ready for you.
He had a way of making you laugh and smile when you were down and didn’t want to, he loved being the center of attention. At 23 months old he did so much for being so little.
He had a four wheeler he rode every chance he could get his dad on it, he drove his dad’s truck around the yard with him, helped mow grass and even rode the motorcycle with his Pop-Pop and loved helping his Grammy out in the kitchen.
He always wanted to be out and about with his dad and loved being in his explorer there was even one day he made his dad sit out in the explorer with him, radio on windows down and Jaxon was pretending he was driving, they spent the afternoon doing that and he was so happy.
I never imagined I would lose a child and especially never imagined I would lose one of them the way we lost Jaxon.
June 13th is a day that is forever marked as the worst day of my life. We lost Jaxon June 13, 2009 due to a front-over vehicle accident.
His father was leaving, I had walked outside to talk to him as he started the explorer, when I walked outside the girls were in the living room floor coloring and I had just put Jaxon down with them. I wasn’t thinking anything about it.
I had just got off work and wanted to talk to my husband for a minute but he was in such a hurry to leave. I should have know Jaxon would follow because he could open the back door himself and plus he loved being outside but I just wasn’t thinking anything about it.
This happened in literally 5 seconds.
My husband pulled off and neither of us knew Jaxon was outside. As I started walking back to the porch I seen Jaxon on the ground. Time just stood still. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing I was telling myself that didn’t just happen, how and why did this happen.
It is going on 1 year and a half now and my whole family and I have learned so much about these type accidents and we are all more cautious and pay closer attention.
Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying that by doing these things makes the loss any easier because if anything it makes it harder to know this could have all been prevented if this is what we were doing in the first place.
We will never get over Jaxon’s loss but to help prevent another child from dying by this type of tragic accident, I will tell my story to anyone that will listen and hope to help save other children’s lives.
Please keep my family in your prayers.
To all the other families who have and are going through the same thing we are so sorry for your loss and we know how very hard it is to adjust to a “”new normal””.
Amanda, Kevin, Emma and Ensleigh McSpadden
Donate in honor of Jaxon